Friday, April 29, 2011

Spinal Decay

What is Spinal Decay?
This process in the spine has similarities to tooth decay in that it shows up usually because of neglect.  Also like tooth decay, it can happen to anyone, regardless of age.

Because it is seen in older people, many believe it's merely the normal aging process.  IT IS NOT! This progressively worsening, degenerative condition is the result of uncorrected spinal misalignment.  Spinal Decay is how your body deals with the stress of gravity.

It just so happens that many people have spinal problems they have ignored for years.

Spinal decay is a process.  This process occurs over time but may be accelerated with motor vehicle injuries,  sports injuries, or lack of exercise.  At our office we use a 3 phase model to show the progression and so our patients are fully educated on their condition and prognosis.